Before I left for Amy & Juli’s engagement session, my 9-year-old son and I discussed what “iconic” means. He offered a definition, and it was a good one… but he defined “icon” rather than “iconic.” I told Jonas that in this case, I was referring to iconic in the sense of location, and specifically, Pittsburgh. And what’s more iconic Pittsburgh than the view from Mount Washington? Is there a better view of the whole city, stadiums, rivers and bridges than from Mount Washington?
For Amy and Juli, though, it’s not just the view – it’s the place where they got engaged, and so, it was their first and only choice for their engagement session. Amy is from Pittsburgh, and Juli is from New York, where they met and where they live. Juli has only been to Pittsburgh a few times, but, clearly a woman of good taste, she has fallen in love with the city.
It was a perfect evening for their engagement session, mostly overcast with a bit of sun peeking through. Here are a few of my favorites from our time wandering around the Mount Washington overlook.
Maybe some day Juli will adopt the Pirates as her baseball team? Hasn’t happened yet though, she’s still a diehard Yankees fan.
Amy & Juli, so looking forward to your wedding next spring at the Heinz History Center!