Three years ago, my son Leo started kindergarten. And today it was his little brother’s turn. Off they went together to the bus stop, bright and early.
This little guy has been reading up a storm for quite some time, and randomly saying things like “half of one half is one quarter!” so clearly he is ready for school. (I had to stand there and scratch my head for a minute on that one before saying… “you’re right!”)
Leo’s ready for third grade, cast and all.
Camera on dashboard of parked car + timer…
The boys rode to school on the bus. Meanwhile, I followed in the car and hopped out just in time to see them walking in together, hand in hand. Awwwwwww.
I popped out from behind the breakfast counter.
After I walked Jonas to his class, he was ready to start his day! I got one last hug and he said goodbye with no hesitation. I wish I could hide in a corner all day and observe! But I know this little guy is going to do great.
Finally… on my way out, I peeked into Leo’s classroom and I was BUSTED!