After the Rain

Just about a year ago, Pittsburgh’s steady rain inspired me to make a short film, Rain Break, featuring my then 3-year-old, Jonas. Yesterday, we had a sudden downpour of rain, and then I made another film. But this time, it wasn’t the rain that inspired...

Two boys, yellow flowers, and a baby goat

This past weekend we drove east to Bucks County, PA to visit my family. How adorable is my 4-year-old running in this gorgeous field of yellow flowers? So glad he was willing to cooperate. Unlike his older brother, Jonas wasn’t that excited, though, about a...

So bad, it’s good = serendipity

It’s always rewarding when you imagine a photo in your mind, shoot it, and see exactly what you expected in the viewfinder. While that happens to me a lot, sometimes the result isn’t what I thought I’d get. Or even what I wanted. But sometimes...

My best friend’s girls!

Morna is my best friend. While we lived in the same town for most of our lives, we didn’t meet until high school, when I was a junior and she was a sophomore. Our paths crossed on the school choir trip to Boston. After our competition, we had an evening to spend...

My little graduate

Yep, my little Leo is not all that little anymore. Even though it doesn’t seem that long ago that he looked like this: And I spent what seemed like days on the phone telling everyone I knew how adorable and sweet my little baby was… Now it’s five...
The Bradys are Back

The Bradys are Back

It must be that time of year again… I realized that it was almost exactly a year ago that I photographed the well-dressed Brady boys. This time, the Bradys chose to have their session at home. Considering the beautiful azaleas still in bloom, and the beautiful...