by Christina | May 9, 2012 | Children, Personal, Video
Just about a year ago, Pittsburgh’s steady rain inspired me to make a short film, Rain Break, featuring my then 3-year-old, Jonas. Yesterday, we had a sudden downpour of rain, and then I made another film. But this time, it wasn’t the rain that inspired...
by Christina | May 7, 2012 | Children, Personal
This past weekend we drove east to Bucks County, PA to visit my family. How adorable is my 4-year-old running in this gorgeous field of yellow flowers? So glad he was willing to cooperate. Unlike his older brother, Jonas wasn’t that excited, though, about a...
by Christina | Sep 10, 2010 | Children, Personal, Photography
It’s always rewarding when you imagine a photo in your mind, shoot it, and see exactly what you expected in the viewfinder. While that happens to me a lot, sometimes the result isn’t what I thought I’d get. Or even what I wanted. But sometimes...
by Christina | Aug 13, 2010 | Children, Families, Personal, Portraits
Morna is my best friend. While we lived in the same town for most of our lives, we didn’t meet until high school, when I was a junior and she was a sophomore. Our paths crossed on the school choir trip to Boston. After our competition, we had an evening to spend...
by Christina | Jun 11, 2010 | Children, Personal
Yep, my little Leo is not all that little anymore. Even though it doesn’t seem that long ago that he looked like this: And I spent what seemed like days on the phone telling everyone I knew how adorable and sweet my little baby was… Now it’s five...
by Christina | May 3, 2010 | Children, Families, Portraits
It must be that time of year again… I realized that it was almost exactly a year ago that I photographed the well-dressed Brady boys. This time, the Bradys chose to have their session at home. Considering the beautiful azaleas still in bloom, and the beautiful...