Trixie the Dog

Trixie the Dog

My sister, Beth, and her family got a puppy. She is, of course, the cutest thing ever. I really never thought this day would come. While we always had dogs when we were kids, my sister was never particularly fond of them. When we were in high school, we had three...

We moved north.

It’s been a quiet year on the blog! Why? Because, after living on the east side of Pittsburgh since my arrival in this beautiful city back in 1996, my family and I have moved north. Much of time my time this year has been devoted to preparing our house to sell,...

The Offseason… 2015

Winter weddings here in Pittsburgh are not too common. (Although I would be happy to photograph a winter wedding! Winter brides, take note – I don’t mind cold or snow and think winter is beautiful.) So, what have I been doing this off season? Here’s...

Introducing Iroh the Dog!

I’m so happy to announce that this little pup has joined our family! Iroh’s arrival was a surprise for our boys, Leo and Jonas. This adorable little rescue dog came with 74 others on a truck from Texas! You can learn all about how this happened in this...
Leo and Jonas, ages 9 and 6

Leo and Jonas, ages 9 and 6

It’s been almost a year since I shared any photos of my boys! This biased mom can report to you that they are just as good-looking as ever. Leo spent the year playing baseball. Lots and lots and lots of baseball. The final count, I believe, was somewhere almost...